Monday, December 30, 2019
Organ Donations Donate to Save a Life - 582 Words
With the evolution of time variety of advanced and useful medical procedures to save lives have been discovered, one of which being organ donations. Now days patients suffering from serious and life threatening conditions have the option of getting their organs replaced; a second chance at life. It should be mandatory that all people, once they have died be organ and tissue donors because after death they no longer need or use their organs. Secondly, by simply donating you could save numerous lives and lastly, there are critical organ shortages within Canada which could be resolved if there were more donors available First of all, everyone should be an organ donor because once you have died there is no need for your organs therefore rather than wasting useful organs they could be used to save another’s life. Statistics show that a single tissue donation can improve lives of 40 people and an organ can save 8. Donating your organs gives others an opportunity for a new life. In addition, after death, they would not be affected in any way with their organs gone and their families wouldn’t have an issue regarding this either because there is no cost. Once a person has deceased, hospitals notify the Organ Procurement Organizations and or Tissue/ Eye banks of death. The organs or tissues then get tested to determine whether the body will accept the organs or not. This step ensures considerably lower risks of the receiving patient’s body rejecting the organ or tissue. DonatingShow MoreRelatedOrgan Donation Essay1194 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan Donation Today in the United States there are thousands of people currently waiting for some type of transplant. If one were to ask a group of people if they have friends or family who have either had a transplant or are waiting for one, one would find that most people know at least one person who has had a transplant or is waiting for one. Transplantation is a great advance in modern medicine. The need for organ donors is much larger than the number of people who sign up to donateRead MoreOrgan Donation Of The United States937 Words  | 4 Pagesan organ transplant. There are waiting lists for adults and children needing an organ. It may be difficult for some people to decide what would be right, if donation is the correct answer. Some people are not well informed on organ donations. Family members might not want for their loved ones to donate their organs. Why should we donate? If we are born with our own body parts why would we want to destitute them? These questions are a mat ter of debate, some people want to donate their organs to helpRead MorePersuasive Speech On Organ Donation1150 Words  | 5 Pagesshortage of donated organs.†(Brazier) Due to the shortage of organs, this causes many people to go to extreme measures to save a loved one. Maybe even to the point of doing something illegal. The more we help promote and contribute to organ donation, the more lives we can save. There is a new name added to the list every 10 minutes while around 20 people die a day waiting for an organ. Organ donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person (the organ donor) and placingRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Organ Donation Essay1031 Words  | 5 Pagessurgeries, and three other life-saving surgeries. He has been Life Flighted ten times, flat-lined six times, and has spent more than three-fourths of his life in hospital beds at Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Embree) He has been denied a heart transplant three times, because his body wouldn’t be able to handle it. Along with Tayt there are about 121,605 other people who have been struggling for so long and are waiting for an organ transplant from an organ donor. Although many peopleRead MoreOrgan Donation. â€Å"Organ Donation Is Not A Tragedy, But It1112 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan Donation â€Å"Organ donation is not a tragedy, but it can be a beautiful light, in the midst of one†(Unknown). There has been many disbeliefs about donating your organs over the years. The organ demand drastically exceeds the available supply, which is why more people need to be organ donors. People should become organ donors because of the limited availability of organs and the chance to save many lives. Although many people think that if you are an organ donor doctors won’t try as hard toRead MoreOrgan Donation Essay891 Words  | 4 PagesTransplantation of human organs have most like it similar views in different world religions. Some of the factors are same, but in some points, they completely opposite to one another. In Judaism the concept of organ donation is that it is permissible to save a life only if the donors life is not in danger. Organ donation from a living person in Judaism is allow only if the donor life is not in danger, and also it is mandatory for the community to save a human life if they have choice to do. EvenRead MoreOrgan Donation And Its Effects On The Donor Essay1694 Words  | 7 Pagesmortal donation also takes away any chance of effects on the donor. Since the donor is deceased, there is no worry of the effects because of two reasons: they are no longer living and they have no use for their viable organs anymore. With the several pros and con s of postmortal donation, comes the different aspects of inter vivos donation. When organs are taken from living donors and are transplanted there are also several pros and cons present. One disadvantage in live organ donation is the effectRead MorePersuasive Speech : Organ Donation1076 Words  | 5 PagesSpeech Assignment #2: Organ Donation Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to become registered organ donors. Thesis: Today I want to persuade my audience to become registered organ donors. Introduction I. To start, by a show of hands, only if you feel comfortable, how many of you are registered organ donors? II. According to, â€Å"an average of 22 people die each day waiting for transplants that can t take place because of the shortage of donated organs.†a. Furthermore, everyRead MoreOrgan Donation1163 Words  | 5 Pagessaved a life. But by becoming an organ donor, you can be able to say â€Å"I will save a life.†Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life. Unfortunately, the number of patients waiting for organs far exceeds the number of people who have registered to become organ donors. Patients are forced to wait months, even years for a match, and far too many die before they are provided with a suitable organ. ThereRead MoreThe Problem Of Organ Donation1338 Words  | 6 PagesPeople are finding themselves dying with the decrease of organ donates. Randy Creech finds himself in need of new heart but has been place on long waiting list. Randy has been waiting for months just waiting to found a match but like many others they find themselves dying before getting their match. There been talk between doctors on should them be compensation for organ donates but what would the price be. Should Randy be able to go buy heart from a different country or black market to keep himself
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Persuasive Essay On The Death Penalty - 1130 Words
The Death penalty has been a part of society and its legal system for centuries; it became a necessary punishment to dangerous crimes and a way to liberate the community from dangerous criminals. However, now this type of punishment is seen as crime against humanistic values by many, and is questionable in the legal system. It has resulted in a range of inconsistency with the laws on this issue. Nations including China, the US, Iran, Belarus, and others keep the death penalty as an option, while others like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and almost all European nations have put an to capital punishment. This paper will seeks to demonstrate that death penalty has been preserved as a valid means of preventing serious crimes. It will explore†¦show more content†¦Compared to 260 in China and 230 in Iran, becoming the runner-up with a total number of 159 (Wikipedia). For most nations, the death penalty is used to punish war crimes or crimes resulting in physical injury. In Asia, the death penalty is used to punish drug-related crimes, even though these crimes do not result in physical injury. The anti-death penalty movement calls to repeal this measure that has been upheld by various international organizations. For instance, â€Å"the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which among other things forbids capital punishment for juveniles, has been signed and ratified by all countries except the USA and Somalia†(Wikipedia). Some international representative such as the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Sixth Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights have been accepted, although they only bind nations that have endorse them. Organizations like the European Union require new members to prohibit the death penalty as a condition of entry. There is a powerful movement with tremendous pressure on nations to cancel it. Currently there are two prominent organizations fighting against the death penalty, they are the Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The issues surrounding the discussion of death penalty focus on two main points. First, this punishment is assets from a purely utilitarian perspective. In order to understand andShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On The Death Penalty910 Words  | 4 Pages I will be talking about the history of capital punishment, and why others believe it is okay. Capital punishment is when someone has committed a crime in which they are sentenced to death. In this paper I will be arguing that the death penalty is okay. Capital punishment has been a controversial and debatable issue for centuries. People have been sentenced to capital punishment since the beginning of time, it has been accepted as fair punishment by law enforcement within any periodRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Death Penalty1403 Words  | 6 PagesDeath Penalty The reason the death penalty should not be allowed is because it is just an easy way to get out of what the person has done. If that person does a crime they should do the time no matter what they did. No one should not be able to get an easier way out of what they have done by getting the death penalty. Jail time could be sentenced for the rest of his or her life based on the crime committed, and that way they can sit in the jail cell and really think about what they did insteadRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Death Penalty1187 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the history, the death penalty is considered to be the ultimate punishment for criminals. There are many arguments that the death penalty should be abolished because it is cruel and inhumane. Many nations have abolished it, but our country, is one of those fifty-eight nations that still practice the death penalty. Therefore, it must be maintained throughout society as a final resort against malevolent criminals, who do not f ear other punishments. However, I do not advocate the use ofRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Death Penalty1151 Words  | 5 Pagesshould happen to dangerous criminals? Watching the news just thinking â€Å"huh?†Well what do you think should happen to the dangerous criminals? There are many opinions. Some people think the only option is the death penalty. I honestly agree and disagree with that because there are some death penalties are justified and some are not .Listen to these two cases. Thurgood Marshall was confirmed as the nation’s first African-American Supreme Court Justice. Marshall’s legacy is linked to his historic victoryRead MorePersuasive Essay On Death Penalty1158 Words  | 5 Pages Death Penalty Essay Hammurabi once said, â€Å"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.†As of April 1, 2017, there were 2,843 death row inmates in the United States. Society has changed at some point over time. At some point people have forgotten the difference between right and wrong and have forgotten that some things aren’t okay to do. People think that it is okay to kill, rape, torture, etc. They think they can do all of this stuff and not get punished for their actions. How can we as a societyRead MorePersuasive Essay On Death Penalty1870 Words  | 8 PagesThe death penaltyâ€â€a controversial response to heinous crimes like murder. Its use and consequences are often debated and researched. In this essay I will be synthesizing the information we have about the death penalty and its use. I will also examine the integrity behind the arguments for and against its use, as well. First we’ll look at which places around the world are still practicing this capital punishment and the trends of its use across time. Then we’ll examine the components of the death penaltyRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Death Penalty833 Words  | 4 Pages The death penalty may seem harsh, but its more than necessary in our country. This punishment deters other criminals and other crimes from happening. Innocent lives will be saved if we execute vile criminals with this punishment since they can no longer hurt or terrorize others. Criminals deserve to have their life taken since theyve taken others and their rights. The death penalty is necessary since it deters criminals, save others, and make criminals pay for what theyve done. Seeing otherRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Death Penalty952 Words  | 4 Pages The Death Penalty, its one of the most controversial discussions that is being brought up more and more in view of the fact that horrible offences are being committed eversomore. The penalty is discussed in the means of just or unjust, is it right or wrong. I believe that it should be implemented nationwide because of the number of murders, mass shootings, bombings, and many more horrific crimes. In the United States, the Death Penalty is currently in constant discussion and both sides are buttingRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Death Penalty1026 Words  | 5 Pagesdeclared on the cruel punishment of the death penalty, â€Å"To take a life when a life has been lost is revenge, not justice. The death penalty is used as an option of punishment against someone accused of capital crime, such as murder. Thirty-six countries out of the one hundred and ninety-five on Earth have the death penalty as a legal sentence still to this day, yet the sentencing is rarely actually used, which is needless in today’s society. The death penalty is not a valid way to punish felons, becauseRead MorePersuasive Essay On Death Penalty1618 Words  | 7 PagesDeath Penalty Since the year 1976, around 1,462 people in the United States have been executed by lethal injection. Practiced in 31 states and abolished in 19 the death penalty has remained a center stone of debate since its launch in 1976. With so many differing viewpoints, arguments pertaining to the moral issue, legal considerations and possible alternatives have been left unsettled since. The ongoing tug-of-war within these topics slowly tries to chip away at the big question. Should the death
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Good nutrition Striking the Right Balance Free Essays
Of the many things one can do to enhance one’s state of health, none is more important than maintaining proper nutrition. The mind and body cannot function optimally without the proper supply of nutrients and energy obtained from food. A key tenet of the holistic approach to health is that each person must take responsibility for his or her own health. We will write a custom essay sample on Good nutrition: Striking the Right Balance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Making intelligent decisions about nutritionâ€â€about what and how much to eatâ€â€is an important part of this responsibility, because the diet one chooses and follows can keep one healthy. In the words of Philip Lee (1977) professor of social medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine: As a nation we have come to believe that our medicine and medical technology can solve all our major health problems†¦ But the problems can never be solved merely by more and more medical care. The health of individuals and the health of the population is determined by a variety of biological (host), behavioral, sociocultural, environmental factors. None of these is more important than the food we eat (Burkitt et al. 1974). Good nutrition: Striking the Right Balance What is the best argument for following a good nutrition in one’s life instead of eating all the junk food one can consume. Every person’s body has a unique chemical and physical composition that corresponds to a state of optimal wellness, because the human body is constructed of atoms and molecules that are arranged in particular combinations and proportions that are unique to each person. One’s body contains few of the same atoms and molecules it had even a few weeks ago, because its chemical constituents are continually replaced by different atoms and molecules acquired from the food one eats. There are about forty known essential nutrients and perhaps others are not yet identified, that must be continually resupplied to the body (Ricciuto). Failure to obtain enough of one or more of the essential nutrients can result in a nutritional deficiency disease, such as goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), which may be caused by too little iodine, beri-beri, a disease characterized by weakness and wasting away that is caused by too little thiamine (vitamin B1), anemia (too few red blood cells) from insufficient iron; and blindness from vitamin A deficiency, the most common cause of blindness in children, world-wide. Since all nutrients act in concert, a deficiency of one may impair the utilization of others even if the others are acquired in adequate amounts. Thus, a proper nutritional state is a matter of maintaining a complex balance of the essential nutrients. One can argue that one eats a little of everything in the proper amounts just to keep fit. But still it does not work that way. This is because poor health can result in eating too much of certain kinds of food, or from eating too much in general. For example, overeating is the principal cause of obesity, which contributes to the development of such serious diseases as high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Cancer of the colon may be related to eating too much meat and processed foods and not getting enough fiber or roughage that may be essential to maintain a healthy colon. High salt intake is related to high blood pressure and high sugar intake is related to tooth decay (the most prevalent disease in the industrialized world). Much of the tooth decay could be prevented if people followed very simple nutrition rules (Breslow Enstrom 1980). Physiological Benefits of Body Work Our industrial society depends on an enormous variety of machines that free people from an equally enormous number of physical tasks. Some of these tasks, such as heavy construction work of large-scale farming, would be well-nigh impossible without the help of machines. Others, such as traveling to work or school, getting to the seventh floor of a building, or washing clothes, could be accomplished without the aid of machines (and some people argue they ought to be), but few of us are likely to give up the use of cars, elevators, and washers. They simply make the task of daily living easier. As a result, few people do much moving around under their own muscular power. That is, many of us get little exercise. According to William B. Kannel and Paul Sorlie (1979) who have studied the effects of lifestyle on the occurrence of heart disease: â€Å"Over the past quarter of a century, there has evolved a growing suspicion that the transformation of man by modern technology from a physically active agrarian creature to a sedentary industrial one has exacted a toll in ill health. The evidence on which this is based comes from epidemiological studies, clinical observations, and the work physiologist. Most of the attention has been focused on the possible contribution of physical indolence to the development of cardiovascular disease, the chief health hazard of affluent societies and their leading cause of death.†In addition to the physiological benefits, regular physical activity has psychological and spiritual benefits as well. Fr example, a study of middle-aged university professors found that regular exercise made them more self-sufficient, more persevering, less likely to experience mood swings, and more imaginative (Ismail and Trachtman, 1973). In another study, both men and women university students who engaged in regular physical activity were found to have greater self-control, to have increased self-awareness, and to be more self-directed. They also demonstrated a positive self-image (Jeffers, 1977). One of the principal psychological benefits that can come from regular body work is experiencing periods of relaxed concentration, characterized by reduction in physical and psychic tensions, regular breathing rhythms, and increased self-awareness. This experience is often compared to meditation. Tennis instructor Tim Gallwey (1976) describes four stages for obtaining a state of relaxed concentration through body work. The first stage, â€Å"paying attention,†occurs at the beginning of a body work session and involves riveting your concentration on your body work and excluding all other thoughts. The stage of paying attention requires a certain degree of self-disciplineâ€â€the desire and ability to say â€Å"no†to other demands on your time and energies and to say â€Å"yes†to yourself. WORKS CITED Burkitt, D. P. Walker, R.P. and Painter , N.S. â€Å"Dietary Fiber and Disease.†Journal of the American Medical Association, 229 (1974), 1068-1074. Breslow, L. and Enstrom, J.E. â€Å"Persistence of Health Habits and Their Relationship to Mortality.†Preventive Medicine, 9 (1980). 469-483. Ismail, A.H. and Trachtman, I.E. â€Å"Jogging the Imagination.†Psychology Today. 6 (1973), 78-82 Jeffers, J. M. â€Å"The Effects of Physical Conditions on Locus of Control, Body Image and Interpersonal Relationship Orientations. University Males and Females. Dissertation Abstracts, 37 (1977) 3289. Kannel, W.B. and Sorlie, P. â€Å"Some Health Benefits of Physical Activity.†Archives of Internal Medicine, 139 (1979) 857-861. Ricciuto, Anthony. What Power Nutrition can do for you. Retrieved April 19, 2007 at: How to cite Good nutrition: Striking the Right Balance, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Internet good or bad free essay sample
Is the internet good or bad? There is currently a lot of debate surrounding the topic of the internet. On one hand, many people feel that the internet is having a negative impact on our society. Their reasons include topics such as cyber safety or more specifically; pornographic sites, piracy, fraud and other nasty stuff. Many of these people feel that the use of the internet should be highly restricted in order to ensure the safety of the general public. Others argue that how and why the public uses the internet should be left up to the individual in question to decide. Research is the most common way that the internet is used and it has become one of the biggest sources for research. Students from all different grades of schooling are among the top people who are using the internet for research. In fact, nowadays, it is almost required that students use the Internet for school research. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet good or bad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Internet is so commonly used for research because of its limitless information. It is amazing how much information one has right at their fingertips. On the flip side, the accessibility to so much information can have disadvantages. Students using the Internet can easily be lured into dangerous activities such as pornography. Whether surfing the web, reading newsgroups or using e-mail youth are at risk of being exposed to extremely inappropriate material. Another way the internet is being used is through online business (e-commerce and e-banking) transactions. One example of e-business is online shopping. This makes life easy for the individual as he or she does not have to leave and can pretty much purchase what ever they want right from their own home. Online shopping has also brought many companies a lot of money as millions of dollars are spent every year by consumers who are shopping online. For financial institutions it has made the transfer of money easier, convenient, faster and safer. The negative effect of online transactions and business activities is that the information attached to these transactions can fall into the hands of the wrong people. Issues of theft and privacy are important to consider when thinking about doing any type of online activity that requests personal information. This is one of the privacy violations that can take place and it definitely has many potentially devastating financial consequences. Entertainment is one of the most popular reasons to surf the net. Downloading games, music, visiting chat rooms, reading the news and finding out about current sport’s scores are some of the common uses. Chat rooms are popular because users can easily meet new and interesting people. The Internet has actually been used by people to find life long partners! Although there are a lot of positive relationships and discussion groups developed through the internet there are also a lot of issues related to privacy. Electronic messages sent over the net can be easily snooped and tracked, revealing who is talking to whom and what they are talking about. It is very easy for strangers to gather information about you so it is imperative that you are careful and aware at all times. When downloading on the net, viruses might be downloaded with as well. Though viruses can be received through other means like the use of floppy, a major source is the internet. Today computers are getting viruses that can destroy the computer’s entire hard drive. A lot of people are not properly educated about such viruses and what actions they can take in order to be proactive against them. All of the issues that I have discussed can be researched in order to decrease, if not eradicate, the dangers of using the internet. The more aware we are of all the risks we face by using the internet the more we can make sure that we are taking all the necessary cautions. Preventive measures in relation to the internet need to be more fully researched and acted upon by teachers, parents and by the youth using the internet. Better monitoring and supervision by adults needs to be implicated. Providing individuals with the necessary counsel needs to start happening. Things like the fact that when giving personal information over the internet people should make sure the web site is protected with a recognizable security symbol. Then again it is also important that one understands that they are never fully protected because anyone may obtain a user’s information if they know enough about computers. Whether the internet is bad or good or whether it should be used or not should be determined by the individual in question. It is important that we bear in mind that the ongoing globalization will not be possible without the internet. The internet has essentially made the world a global village.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Skin Art A History of Tattoos Essay Example
Skin Art: A History of Tattoos Paper Tattoos are a permanent mark or design made on the skin by a process of ingraining and pricking an indelible pigment into the punctures or by raising scars. This body art comes in many shapes, sizes, colors, designs, and styles. Whether flaunted or hidden, sought as art or bought out of a whim, the tattoo has left its mark on generation after generation (Krakow). The purpose of tattooing varies from culture to culture, person to person, and its place on the time line. The essay will examine the following eras: BC and tribal, 20th century, and modern. It is noted that tattooing (a Tahitian word meaning â€Å"to mark something†) has existed since 12,000 years BC. As noted in â€Å"A Brief History of Tattoos,†women in Borneo tattooed their symbols on their forearm indicating their particular skill. If a woman wore a symbol indicating she was a skilled weaver, her status as prime marriageable material was increased. In tribes, tattoos around the wrist and fingers were believed to ward away illness and bad spirits. In recorded history, the earliest tattoos can be found in Egypt during the time of the erection of the great pyramids. As the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread along with it. The civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia Fetzer 2 picked up and expanded the art form (â€Å"A Brief History of Tattoos). The Greeks used tattooing for communication among spies by identifying them and showing their rank. Romans marked criminals and slaves, a practice still carried on today. Around 2000 BC tattooing spread to China. Historic Asian culture believed that the wearer of an image calls the spirit of that image. For example, the ferocity of a tiger would belong to the tattooed person. We will write a custom essay sample on Skin Art: A History of Tattoos specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Skin Art: A History of Tattoos specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Skin Art: A History of Tattoos specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Ainu are noted for introducing tattoos to Japan where it developed into a religious and ceremonial rite. Dayak warriors who had taken a head had tattoos on their hands (â€Å"A Brief History of Tattoos†). The tattoos garnered respect and solidified the owner’s status for life. Polynesians developed tattoos to mark tribal communities, families, and rank. They brought their art to New Zealand and developed a facial style of tattooing called Moko which is still being used today (â€Å"A Brief History of Tattoos†). There is evidence that the Mayan, Incas, and Aztecs used tattooing in rituals as well as the isolated tribes of Alaska. In the West, early Danes, Norse, and Saxons tattooed family crests (a tradition still practiced today). In 787 AD, Pope Hadrian banned tattooing, yet it still thrived in Britain until the Norman Invasion of 1066 when the Normans disdained tattooing. As a result tattooing disappeared from Western culture from the 12th to the 16th centuries. While tattooing diminished in the West, it thrived in Japan. Originally, it was used as a means of identifying criminals. First offenses were marked with a line across the forehead, a second crime was marked by adding an arch, and a third offense was marked by another line. Together these marks formed the Japanese character for dog. Anthropologists argue that this was the original three strikes you’re out law. In time, Fetzer 3 the Japanese escalated the tattoo to an aesthetic art form. The â€Å"body suit†originated around 1700 as a social reaction against strict laws concerning conspicuous consumption. Only royalty were allowed to wear ornate attire. As a result of this, the middle class adorned themselves with elaborate full body tattoos. A fully tattooed person wearing nothing more than a loin cloth was considered â€Å"well dressed. In 1691, William Dampher re-introduced tattooing to the West when he brought to London a heavily tattooed Polynesian known as the Painted Prince. He was put on a money-making exhibition and became the rage of London. It had been 600 years since tattoos had been seen in Europe. Soon, the upper-class were getting small tattoos in discreet places. For a short time, tattooing became a sensational fad. In alm ost every early culture, tattooing symbolized status. In the BC and tribal eras of history, tattoos played an important role in ritual and tradition. Just like the times, tattooing in the 20 th century took an enormous turn. Evolutionary scientist, Charles Darwin, wrote many papers, one which included an analysis of tattoos. For tattooing to be mentioned in such distinguished company made many people re-look at the art, finding that they were standing at the dawn of a new era in indelible history. Initially, the tattoo craze began to diminish. What kept tattooing from becoming more widespread was its slow and painstaking procedure. Each puncture of the flesh was done by the hand the ink was applied. Paul Sace arguably states that the most significant factor to the re-emergence of the ancient art of tattooing would have to be the electric tattoo machine. In 1891, Samuel OReilly patented the first electric tattooing machine which was based on Edisons electric pen that punctured paper with a Fetzer 4 needle point. The basic design with moving coils, a tube and a needle bar, are the components of todays tattoo gun. The electric tattoo gun allowed anyone to obtain a reasonably priced and readily available tattoo. As the average person could easily get a tattoo, the upper classes turned away from it. By the turn of the century, tattooing had lost a great deal of credibility. Tattoo artists worked in the sleazier sections of the city. Heavily tattooed people traveled with circuses and were labeled as â€Å"freaks. †The societal view of tattoos was so poor for most of the century that tattooing went underground. There were no schools to study the craft, there were no magazines, and there were no associations or advertising. In order to find out where to go and who to see for quality tattoos, one had to be familiar with the scuttlebutt. The birthplace of the American style tattoo was Chatham Square in New York City, a seaport and entertainment center attracting working-class people with money. While tattooing was declining elsewhere in the country, here it flourished. Husbands tattooed their significant others with examples of their best work. They played the role of walking advertisements. At this time, cosmetic tattooing became popular (i. e. blush for cheeks, colored lips, and eyeliner). With World War I, the flash art images changed to those of bravery and wartime icons. In the 1920s, with Prohibition and then the Depression, Chatham Square lost its appeal. The center for tattoo art moved to Coney Island. Tattooing experienced a revival during the Roaring 20s and the Suffragist movement; it became en vogue among the upper classes to have a tattoo. Not all women enjoyed such freedom, and society did not necessarily endorse this trend. For example, Fetzer 5 in the late 1920s, the conviction of a rapist was overturned because a small butterfly tattoo was found on the victim (Hawkes, Senn, Thorn). Both the judge and jury agreed that the tattoo had sexual implications and as a result, it was held that the woman was in part responsible for misleading the man who raped her. Across the country, tattooists opened shops in areas that would support them, namely cities with military bases close by, particularly naval bases. In the 2 nd World War era, tattoos were known as travel markers, almost like the stamps one sees in a passport booklet. â€Å"A Brief History of Tattoos†notes that after World War II, tattoos became further denigrated by their associations with Marlon Brando-type bikers and Juvenile delinquents. Tattooing had little respect in American culture because those who were tattooed were seen as social outcasts and troublemakers. Tattooing was sent reeling on its heels when in 1961 there was an outbreak of hepatitis. Though most tattoo shops had sterilization machines, few used them. Newspapers reported stories of blood poisoning, hepatitis, and other diseases. The general population held tattoo parlors in disrepute. A health code violation went into effect and the tattoo shops at Times Square and Coney Island were shut down making it incredibly difficult to get a tattoo in New York. It was illegal and tattoos had a terrible reputation. Because of fear and the negative social view associated with them, few people wanted a tattoo. In the late 1960s, the attitude towards tattooing changed. During the Sexual Revolution, tattooing enjoyed a resurrection among radical women who were rethinking their gender role (including rock stars such as Janis Joplin) as noted by Hawkes, Senn, Thorn. Amy Krakow states that thanks to Lyle Tuttle, the tattoo Fetzer 6 became an amiable art form among the 1970s counterculture. Tattoos see-sawed in their acceptance in the 20 th century but nevertheless were popular icons. Today, tattooing is making a zealous comeback. It is more popular and accepted than it has ever been. Current tattoo artist, Tomas Garcia, says that â€Å"all classes of people are coming in to get tattoos, from Senators to new mothers to doctors to grandparents to kids who just turned 18. †This rise in popularity has placed tattooists in the category of fine artist garnering a respect not seen for over 100 years. Current artists combine the tradition of tattooing with their personal style creating unique and phenomenal body art. Through the lens of figurational sociology, today tattooing is interpreted as a pro-social and affectively regulated act of communication, rather than a pathological instance of self-injury (Atkinson). The 21 st century is experiencing what some call a second Tattoo Renaissance. †As part of this revolution in the popular cultural significance of tattooed flesh, tattooing is escalating to unprecedented levels of popularity among a vast array of social groups. Once a long-standing symbol of the underclass, this body project is now a floating signifier of a full panorama of social statuses, roles, and identities. More so than in any previous era, Michael Atkinson notes that tattoos are pregnant with cultural significance. Women especially have played an enormous role in the culture of tattoos. It can be argued that women today become tattooed for two reasons: the refusal to obey appearance norms and for the gender nonconformity that it displays. Throughout history tattoos have signified membership in a clan or secret society. Even today groups like the Hells Angels tattoo their particular group symbol. Contemporary music scenes exemplify the tattoo phenomenon. â€Å"Straight-edge†youth use their bodies as a canvas for their Fetzer 7 moralistic beliefs. According to Demello, the tattoos reflect the power of their symbolic associations as they preach against premarital sex, drugs, smoking, and alcohol. Tattoos have blossomed into a form of self expression and individuality. Tattoos have appeared throughout history as a ritual art, pagan decoration, art to mark a rite of passage, art to inform, forbidden art, blue-collar art, popular art, and erotic art (Krakow 2). Two reactions seem to be possible in persons who see a tattoo on someone. One is complete fascination, a feeling that here is the ultimate stud, the great macho, the sexual satyr, the Marlboro man, the far-traveling sailor, the incomparable sadistic master, the criminal just released from prison. The other is a complete revulsion: the tattoo represents the epitome of sleaze, of low-class background, of cheap vulgarity and bad taste, everything that intelligence and sophistication have conditioned society to despise (Steward 10). From body painting to scarification, piercing to the less permanent wearing of jewelry, hair styles to make-up, to the emergence of cosmetic surgery, people have always striven to change their appearance. For millions of people throughout time, tattooing has been one of the most popular forms of permanent body art. Tattooing as an art form has over the years been claimed by many countries, tribes, and ethnic groups. In many cases it is the same scenario of what came first the chicken or the egg. It will probably never be known exactly who were the first people to mark their skins, but what is definite is that tattooing has tattooed itself in history as a significant identifier. ?
Monday, November 25, 2019
Stages of Cognitive Development essays
Stages of Cognitive Development essays This takes place from birth to 2 years and it is when an infant's knowledge of the world is limited to their sensory perceptions and motor activities. The behaviors are limited to simple motor responses. An infant will utilize skills and abilities they were born with when challenged or when they just want to explore the world. The infant lacks the concept of object permanence. When I was about to be 2 years old, my uncle would do magic tricks with a quarter. He would place the quarter in one hand, close it, move his hands around, and ask me in which hand the quarter was. I obviously chose the hand in which he placed the quarter in, but when he opened his hand, there was nothing there. I was smart enough to process in my mind that the quarter couldn't just disappear so I asked him to open his other hand. Just as I had thought, the quarter was there in his other hand and I was amazed at the fact that he teleported the coin from one hand to the other without opening his hands. I learned that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen or touched. This occurs from 2 to 7 years and is characterized by the increase of playing and pretending to be someone else. The characteristics include egocentrism, thinking the world revolves around them, and a difficulty of understanding conservation. And infant will think that the bigger bottle will have more water than the smaller bottle if they both have the same amount of water. I remember leaving I was at my aunt's house when I was 6 years old, my mom would pick me up around 4 and we would catch the bus in downtown. Once day we were walking towards the bus stop in downtown and I saw the train passing by. I thought that I knew how to get home and that I could lead my mom there. I also noticed that the train was quicker too. I insisted that we should take the train because it's faster and she just followed me. We got in the train and ended up going to long beach. We got out and I no...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategies Of Multinational Organizations In This World Of Research Paper
Strategies Of Multinational Organizations In This World Of Globalization - Research Paper Example The emerging markets are those nations that are between the developed and the developing nations. Emerging markets present tremendous opportunities for all multinationals as the purchasing power in these nations has been steadily growing. The emerging economies now account for 30% of exports compared to only 20% in 1970 (Wadsworth, 2010). However, their strategies are shaped by forces beyond their control but they must evaluate the business environment before moving ahead. To gain competitive advantage several theoretical perspectives are taken into account. The most commonly used analysis is Porter’s generic strategies (cost leadership, differentiation and focus). Porter’s generic strategies emphasize that only one strategy should be used at a time but others argue that a hybrid or a middle approach can be used (Baack & Boggs, 2008). Mintzberg et al (1998) suggest that the strategy should act as a mediation force between the organization and the environment. This implies that in a changing business environment the strategy too should be flexible enough and adapt to change. Organizations adopt a strategy suitable to its internal and external environment. A global strategy treats the world as a single unified and homogenized world but a localized approach becomes essential when formulating the strategy. While McDonald's has achieved success through failures in localizing its product offerings, McDonald's has failed to respect the sentiments of the people. In Israel McDonald's has been accused of ‘Americanization’ and of disregarding long-established traditions and conventions. The Golani Brigade in Israel is a part of the Israeli military history. Moreover, this intersection in Lower Galilee has been named as Golani Junction as a mark of respect (Azaryahu, 1999). McDonald's intentionally ignoring and overlooking the local sentiments opened its restaurant next to the memorial. This became a controversial issue as the restaurant seemed to overpower the memorial. This suggests that local factors in overseas expansion cannot be ignored. Competitive advantage among nations can be ascertained based on Porter’s Diamond Model or the theory of competitive advantages which places innovation in the centre of the process of development and competition (O’Connell, Clan cy & Egeraat, 1999). However, the national competitiveness does not depend upon the economy as a whole but can be industry-specific. Nations that possess such strengths gain prominence in the world market. India demonstrated definite advantages over other nations in the field of IT and hence gained immensely when foreign firms entered India. India made tremendous progress in the field of telecommunications and in development of IT parks. The Indian government had opened up the economy and brought about a lot of reforms that have made India conducive to investments. Low labor rates, low labor turnover, high quality of human resources and support from the government have all contributed towards the success of the IT sector in India (Gonsalez, Gasco & Llopis, 2006). Lack of environmental analysis (PESTLE) can lead to errors and omissions. The Uppsala Model of internationalization suggests that firms should start expanding in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Dream meant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dream meant - Essay Example It disappears into the distance and I am very sad because I was not able to catch up with it. Question 2. I think the dream meant that I am missing my grandmother, and it shows me that I have not forgotten her, and still have positive feelings about her. She was a very kind and wise person, and perhaps the dream is a kind of wish fulfilment, showing me a scene that I wish I could encounter in real life. The scene of the busy road may be a depiction of the way that life moves along, sometimes too fast for us, and we want to hold on to things in the past rather than reach out for what is coming in the future. Freud notes that this kind of grieving dream is typical after a certain period: â€Å"Thus, after the death of someone dear to them, people do not as a rule dream of him to begin with, while they are overwhelmed by grief.†(Freud: 1998, p. 52) It is only later, when the strong feelings have grown weaker, that a person remembers the lost loved one, often noticing small detai ls and remembering incidents from the past. In Freud’s view dreams are triggered by events, sometimes very minor ones, that occur in the hours before sleeping, and they grow out of the power of association that exists between objects, people, moods etc that we encounter in our lives. Question 3.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Journal Entry One Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Journal Entry One - Assignment Example An ethical culture is cultivated where the leaders behave in an ethical manner as the other staffs follow that as they are also rewarded. The Enron and Tyco scandals shows that un-ethical practices, lack of leadership, and financially corruption are the three reasons that lead to the collapse of the these giants that had been in operation and doing good business over the years. These two companies did not have effective compliance and ethics program since these scandals took long to be unearthed and this shows they did not have proper follow-ups for the leadership and also those staff that knew about it did not take it upon them to disclose them. A few months ago I worked for a company that did not follow the guidelines since the stated organisation ethics were only written and were openly seen to be followed even by the management since mistakes were committed but no due process was followed to punish the offenders. This gave a chance to all staff to do as they wished. Ellen, V. V., & Ascalon, E. (2008). The role and impact of leadership development in supporting ethical action in organisations. The Journal of Management Development, 27(2), 187-195. doi:
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Life Of Jesus Christ Religion Essay
The Life Of Jesus Christ Religion Essay Jesus Christ is a central figure for the Christianity. Christians picture him as the Messiah (Son of God). Jesus reconciled the Christians with God by dying for their sins and raising himself from the dead. Jesus had an peculiar personality, and made a lasting notion on the on his followers. He was charismatic in the deepest sense of the word. Jesus Christ is an exemplary and perfect leader. Jesus Christ is a divine and legendary being; he is allegorical for the Christians. Jesus indicated the coming of a new age where all people would live as Gods children to serve and believe in Him. Jesus taught the fundamental moral values of brotherhood and benevolence, which became the central thesis of Christianity. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ are the motivations for Christians. The Birth of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ was born during the life and reign of Herod the Great who ruled Palestine at the end of the 1st Century B.C. on the 25th of December, which is celebrated by Christians every year in remembrance of the day Jesus Christ was born. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea by Virgin Mary in a manger. Joseph was the father of Jesus. Joseph was a carpenter. When Jesus was born the three wise men fro the east followed to star (Star of Bethlehem) to where Jesus was born. The three wise men bore with them gifts, Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense. About that same time king Herod was deeply disturbed by the birth of Jesus Christ, because he heard a new king has been born. Herod became furious and sent his soldiers into Bethlehem to kill all the boys around two years and under. Joseph and Mary fled from Bethlehem to Egypt before the soldiers could get to them. Herods plan turned out to be a fiasco. When Herod died and everything had calmed down, Joseph and Mary with Jesus went to Galilee and settled down in a town called Nazareth, were Jesus grew up, where Jesus Christ was called the Nazarene (Jesus of Nazareth). Jesus was a leader all through his life even from birth. The Baptism of Jesus John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ the (son of Zacharias). John the Baptist preached baptism for the forgiveness of sins and in so doing he was preparing the way for the Lord. Jesus went to the Jordan River in Galilee so that john could baptize him. John remonstrated because he felt that Jesus Christ was the one who should be baptizing him. According to the gospel of Mathew Jesus said, It must be done, because we must do everything that is right. After John heard what Jesus said he now baptized him. After baptism, Jesus came out of the water and the heavens opened and the spirit of God descended like a dove from above and settled upon his head, and a strange voice said, this is beloved son, and I am fully pleased with him.(New international version). The Temptation of Jesus Christ After the baptism of Jesus Christ the, Jesus was led by the Holy spirit into the wilderness where he could be tempted by the devil. He fasted in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights, without having anything to eat. The devil came out to Jesus and said if you are the Son of God change these stones to loaves of bread. Jesus relied No! The scripture say man shall not leave by bread alone but by every word of God. Then Jesus Christ was led by the devil to the highest point of the temple in Jerusalem, and then the devil told him to jump off that his angels will protect and nothing would happen to him, and Jesus replied The scripture says, do not test the lord your God. Finally the devil took Jesus to the highest mountain, and showed him all the nation and all its glory, then he said, I will give it all to you, if only u knell down and worship me. Jesus replied Get out of here, Satan, for the scripture says you must worship the lord your God; serve only him. Jesus Christ was a flawless leader. He overcame temptation, he would have change the stones to bread, or protected by the angels, but know he humbled h imself. Jesus Christ is an exemplary leader, which is why the Christians believe in him so m uch. Jesus Christ was no hypocrite. The Ministry of Jesus Christ Jesus traveled throughout Galilee teaching and preaching in different synagogues and spreading the good news about the kingdom of God, by this time he had only four disciples, these were called the first disciples. Jesus Christ taught people a lot of things, he healed people of various kinds. News about him spread far beyond Galilee, and people with various illnesses and pain, the possessed, epileptic, and paralyzed people. Large crowds followed Jesus to wherever he went. People leart a lot from him, there were various teaching by Jesus: Teaching about Salt and Light Teaching about the Law Teaching about anger Teaching about Adultery Teaching about Divorce Teaching about revenge Teaching about Love for Enemies Teaching about Giving the Needy Teaching about Prayer and Fasting Teaching about money and possessions Effective prayers The Golden Rule The Narrow Gate The tree and its fruit True Disciples Building on a solid foundation And many others but these ones are the most important ones. The Golden is one of the most important teachings of Jesus Christ. The golden rule says: Do for others what you would like them to do for you. This is a summary of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. (New Living Translation Bible). So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the law and the prophet. (English Standard Bible). Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. (King James Bible). Another important teaching of Jesus Christ was the Beatitudes. The great beatitudes: God blesses those who realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of haven is given to them. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them. God blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for justice, for they will receive it in full. God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see god. God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. God blesses those who are persecuted because they live for God, for the kingdom of Heaven is theirs. (New living translation, Matthew 5) There were a lot of teachings, Jesus Christ cares about his people (Christians) that is why he tries to put us in the right path by telling the Christians, to do what is right and deviate from their wrong ways and doing. As time went on Jesus had twelve disciples: First Simon (Also called Peter) Andrew James (son of Zebedee) John Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew James (son of Alphaeus) Simon (son of Zealot). Jesus taught his disciples a lot; they passed through a lot of test. One of the tests they passed through was the heavy storm. Jesus and his disciples traveled across the lake to spread the gospel. Suddenly, there was a terrible storm. The disciples became petrified because Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went to him and woke him up, shouting that he should rescue them from danger and Jesus replied why are you afraid? You have so little faith! (New living translation). Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm. The disciples were marveled at what he had done. Jesus went from city to city with his disciples, and kept on healing the demon possessed and paralyzed. Jesus kept on spreading the news and healing people in other to get more workers (Christians). He wanted a lot of people to hear the good news so they would help in passing the news to other people. At a certain time Jesus said to his people Then saith he unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few, Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. (King James Bible). Jesus Christ predicts his death Jesus Christ predicted his death three times. Jesus Christ knew his time on earth was coming to an end so he told his disciples; They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life. And the disciples were filled with grief. (New international Version). When Jesus Christ was traveling to Jerusalem with his disciples, he told them privately again that he was going to be betrayed and killed. He told them that he would resurrect after three days. After he told them everything they now went into Jerusalem to spread the news. Death of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ prayed before he was arrested, he knew his time had come. Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ who betrayed him. He led the roman soldiers into the Kidron valley where Jesus Christ was with his disciples. As soon as Judas Iscariot saw Jesus he identified him and Jesus was arrested. One of the disciples, Simon drew his knife and attacked the High priest Servant, Malchus and slashed off his ear. Jesus commanded Simon to withdraw and then Jesus healed Malchus. After Jesus was arrested he was brought before Caiaphas, the high priest for trials. After the trials with the high priest he was sent to the headquarters of the Roman Governor, Pontus Pilate for another trial. The Jews accused Jesus of being a criminal. The men who accused Jesus didnt go in with Jesus for his trial, because they knew it was a false accusation. Pontus Pilate found Jesus not guilty, but the Jews wanted him to be killed and Barabbas, a criminal released. Pontus Pilate had Jesus flogged in the open with lead-tipped whips, and they crowned him with thongs. Pilate didnt want to kill Jesus, but the Jewish leaders kept on pressurizing him to do so. Pontus Pilate was left with no option but to crucify Jesus, he was afraid that the leaders might turn against him. Jesus led to where he was going to be crucified. His disciples and Mother, Mary Magdalene, watched him carry his cross with thongs on his head. Jesus knew it was finally over, and he said I am thirsty then they soaked a sponge into a sour jar of and gave him. He replied, it is finished, and he gave up the ghost. Jesus was buried in a tomb, which has never been used before close to a garden. Nicodemus was the man who brought white linen and seventy-five pounds of ointment, which was made of myrrh and aloes. The Resurrection Early on Sunday Morning, Mary mother of Jesus went to the Tomb and it was open, so she ran back to the disciples telling them that the body of Jesus had been taken away. The disciples rushed to confirm if what Mary Magdalene said was true, on getting there the body was no longer there, they were all marveled and they left. Later that day Mary was crying outside the tomb, when Jesus appeared to her and told her to stop crying. After Mary saw Jesus she ran to the disciples to tell them what had happened, but one of disciples, Thomas didnt believe. Later that day Jesus appeared to them, after they saw what Jesus had done they believed that he is the Son of God, and that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have life. Jesus instructed his disciples to spread his word that he would be back to judge the living and the dead. Qualities of a leader Jesus Christ was a perfect leader with no weakness. He had a lot of strengths. Jesus Christ had no weakness because he was not human, he came down in human form, but still he wasnt human. The life of Jesus was peculiar; he lived his whole life acting as a leader. Jesus never hated anybody; he had love for both his enemies and his friends. He had no weakness unlike human leaders. According to Paul in Corinthians; We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than mans wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than mans strength. (New international version, 23 24). Man cannot understand his weakness. Jesus performed a lot of miraculous signs. People loved him a lot. Jesus Christ was a great leader. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ are the motivations for Christians. Jesus Christ was no selfish leader he always thought about his people before himself. Work Cited
The Life Of Jesus Christ Religion Essay
The Life Of Jesus Christ Religion Essay Jesus Christ is a central figure for the Christianity. Christians picture him as the Messiah (Son of God). Jesus reconciled the Christians with God by dying for their sins and raising himself from the dead. Jesus had an peculiar personality, and made a lasting notion on the on his followers. He was charismatic in the deepest sense of the word. Jesus Christ is an exemplary and perfect leader. Jesus Christ is a divine and legendary being; he is allegorical for the Christians. Jesus indicated the coming of a new age where all people would live as Gods children to serve and believe in Him. Jesus taught the fundamental moral values of brotherhood and benevolence, which became the central thesis of Christianity. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ are the motivations for Christians. The Birth of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ was born during the life and reign of Herod the Great who ruled Palestine at the end of the 1st Century B.C. on the 25th of December, which is celebrated by Christians every year in remembrance of the day Jesus Christ was born. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea by Virgin Mary in a manger. Joseph was the father of Jesus. Joseph was a carpenter. When Jesus was born the three wise men fro the east followed to star (Star of Bethlehem) to where Jesus was born. The three wise men bore with them gifts, Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense. About that same time king Herod was deeply disturbed by the birth of Jesus Christ, because he heard a new king has been born. Herod became furious and sent his soldiers into Bethlehem to kill all the boys around two years and under. Joseph and Mary fled from Bethlehem to Egypt before the soldiers could get to them. Herods plan turned out to be a fiasco. When Herod died and everything had calmed down, Joseph and Mary with Jesus went to Galilee and settled down in a town called Nazareth, were Jesus grew up, where Jesus Christ was called the Nazarene (Jesus of Nazareth). Jesus was a leader all through his life even from birth. The Baptism of Jesus John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ the (son of Zacharias). John the Baptist preached baptism for the forgiveness of sins and in so doing he was preparing the way for the Lord. Jesus went to the Jordan River in Galilee so that john could baptize him. John remonstrated because he felt that Jesus Christ was the one who should be baptizing him. According to the gospel of Mathew Jesus said, It must be done, because we must do everything that is right. After John heard what Jesus said he now baptized him. After baptism, Jesus came out of the water and the heavens opened and the spirit of God descended like a dove from above and settled upon his head, and a strange voice said, this is beloved son, and I am fully pleased with him.(New international version). The Temptation of Jesus Christ After the baptism of Jesus Christ the, Jesus was led by the Holy spirit into the wilderness where he could be tempted by the devil. He fasted in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights, without having anything to eat. The devil came out to Jesus and said if you are the Son of God change these stones to loaves of bread. Jesus relied No! The scripture say man shall not leave by bread alone but by every word of God. Then Jesus Christ was led by the devil to the highest point of the temple in Jerusalem, and then the devil told him to jump off that his angels will protect and nothing would happen to him, and Jesus replied The scripture says, do not test the lord your God. Finally the devil took Jesus to the highest mountain, and showed him all the nation and all its glory, then he said, I will give it all to you, if only u knell down and worship me. Jesus replied Get out of here, Satan, for the scripture says you must worship the lord your God; serve only him. Jesus Christ was a flawless leader. He overcame temptation, he would have change the stones to bread, or protected by the angels, but know he humbled h imself. Jesus Christ is an exemplary leader, which is why the Christians believe in him so m uch. Jesus Christ was no hypocrite. The Ministry of Jesus Christ Jesus traveled throughout Galilee teaching and preaching in different synagogues and spreading the good news about the kingdom of God, by this time he had only four disciples, these were called the first disciples. Jesus Christ taught people a lot of things, he healed people of various kinds. News about him spread far beyond Galilee, and people with various illnesses and pain, the possessed, epileptic, and paralyzed people. Large crowds followed Jesus to wherever he went. People leart a lot from him, there were various teaching by Jesus: Teaching about Salt and Light Teaching about the Law Teaching about anger Teaching about Adultery Teaching about Divorce Teaching about revenge Teaching about Love for Enemies Teaching about Giving the Needy Teaching about Prayer and Fasting Teaching about money and possessions Effective prayers The Golden Rule The Narrow Gate The tree and its fruit True Disciples Building on a solid foundation And many others but these ones are the most important ones. The Golden is one of the most important teachings of Jesus Christ. The golden rule says: Do for others what you would like them to do for you. This is a summary of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. (New Living Translation Bible). So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the law and the prophet. (English Standard Bible). Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. (King James Bible). Another important teaching of Jesus Christ was the Beatitudes. The great beatitudes: God blesses those who realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of haven is given to them. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them. God blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for justice, for they will receive it in full. God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see god. God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. God blesses those who are persecuted because they live for God, for the kingdom of Heaven is theirs. (New living translation, Matthew 5) There were a lot of teachings, Jesus Christ cares about his people (Christians) that is why he tries to put us in the right path by telling the Christians, to do what is right and deviate from their wrong ways and doing. As time went on Jesus had twelve disciples: First Simon (Also called Peter) Andrew James (son of Zebedee) John Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew James (son of Alphaeus) Simon (son of Zealot). Jesus taught his disciples a lot; they passed through a lot of test. One of the tests they passed through was the heavy storm. Jesus and his disciples traveled across the lake to spread the gospel. Suddenly, there was a terrible storm. The disciples became petrified because Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went to him and woke him up, shouting that he should rescue them from danger and Jesus replied why are you afraid? You have so little faith! (New living translation). Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm. The disciples were marveled at what he had done. Jesus went from city to city with his disciples, and kept on healing the demon possessed and paralyzed. Jesus kept on spreading the news and healing people in other to get more workers (Christians). He wanted a lot of people to hear the good news so they would help in passing the news to other people. At a certain time Jesus said to his people Then saith he unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few, Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. (King James Bible). Jesus Christ predicts his death Jesus Christ predicted his death three times. Jesus Christ knew his time on earth was coming to an end so he told his disciples; They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life. And the disciples were filled with grief. (New international Version). When Jesus Christ was traveling to Jerusalem with his disciples, he told them privately again that he was going to be betrayed and killed. He told them that he would resurrect after three days. After he told them everything they now went into Jerusalem to spread the news. Death of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ prayed before he was arrested, he knew his time had come. Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ who betrayed him. He led the roman soldiers into the Kidron valley where Jesus Christ was with his disciples. As soon as Judas Iscariot saw Jesus he identified him and Jesus was arrested. One of the disciples, Simon drew his knife and attacked the High priest Servant, Malchus and slashed off his ear. Jesus commanded Simon to withdraw and then Jesus healed Malchus. After Jesus was arrested he was brought before Caiaphas, the high priest for trials. After the trials with the high priest he was sent to the headquarters of the Roman Governor, Pontus Pilate for another trial. The Jews accused Jesus of being a criminal. The men who accused Jesus didnt go in with Jesus for his trial, because they knew it was a false accusation. Pontus Pilate found Jesus not guilty, but the Jews wanted him to be killed and Barabbas, a criminal released. Pontus Pilate had Jesus flogged in the open with lead-tipped whips, and they crowned him with thongs. Pilate didnt want to kill Jesus, but the Jewish leaders kept on pressurizing him to do so. Pontus Pilate was left with no option but to crucify Jesus, he was afraid that the leaders might turn against him. Jesus led to where he was going to be crucified. His disciples and Mother, Mary Magdalene, watched him carry his cross with thongs on his head. Jesus knew it was finally over, and he said I am thirsty then they soaked a sponge into a sour jar of and gave him. He replied, it is finished, and he gave up the ghost. Jesus was buried in a tomb, which has never been used before close to a garden. Nicodemus was the man who brought white linen and seventy-five pounds of ointment, which was made of myrrh and aloes. The Resurrection Early on Sunday Morning, Mary mother of Jesus went to the Tomb and it was open, so she ran back to the disciples telling them that the body of Jesus had been taken away. The disciples rushed to confirm if what Mary Magdalene said was true, on getting there the body was no longer there, they were all marveled and they left. Later that day Mary was crying outside the tomb, when Jesus appeared to her and told her to stop crying. After Mary saw Jesus she ran to the disciples to tell them what had happened, but one of disciples, Thomas didnt believe. Later that day Jesus appeared to them, after they saw what Jesus had done they believed that he is the Son of God, and that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have life. Jesus instructed his disciples to spread his word that he would be back to judge the living and the dead. Qualities of a leader Jesus Christ was a perfect leader with no weakness. He had a lot of strengths. Jesus Christ had no weakness because he was not human, he came down in human form, but still he wasnt human. The life of Jesus was peculiar; he lived his whole life acting as a leader. Jesus never hated anybody; he had love for both his enemies and his friends. He had no weakness unlike human leaders. According to Paul in Corinthians; We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than mans wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than mans strength. (New international version, 23 24). Man cannot understand his weakness. Jesus performed a lot of miraculous signs. People loved him a lot. Jesus Christ was a great leader. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ are the motivations for Christians. Jesus Christ was no selfish leader he always thought about his people before himself. Work Cited
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Benjamin Franklin :: History
Benjamin Franklin It is also to understand what it took for Franklin to be such a famous and respectable man. When one takes a look at the world in which he currently lives, he sees it as being normal since it is so slow in changing. When an historian looks at the present, he sees the effects of many events and many wise people. Benjamin Franklin is one of these people. His participation in so many different fields changed the world immensely. He was a noted politician as well as respected scholar. He was an important inventor and scientist. Particularly interesting is the impact on the scientific world. Benjamin Franklin was a modest man who had had many jobs in his lifetime. This may help explain his large array of inventions and new methods of working various jobs. He did everything from making cabbage-growing more efficient to making political decisions to being the first person to study and chart the Gulf Stream movement in the Atlantic Ocean. *Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706. He was the fifteenth child in a family of seventeen kids. His parents, Josiah and Abiah Franklin, were hard working devout Puritan/Calvinist people. Josiah Franklin made candles for a living. Since the Franklin’s were so poor, little Benjamin couldn't afford to go to school for longer than two years. In those two years, however, Franklin learned to read which opened the door to further education for him. Since he was only a fair writer and had very poor mathematical skills, he worked to tutor himself at home. Benjamin Franklin was a determined young man. As a boy, he taught himself to be a very good writer. He also learned basic algebra and geometry, navigation, grammar, logic, and natural and physical science. He partially mastered French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Latin. He was soon to be named the best educated man in the country. When he was 12-years-old, he was apprentice to his brother in printing. Benjamin's brother founded the second newspaper in America. Many people told him that one newspaper was enough for America and that the paper would soon collapse. On the contrary, it became very popular. Occasionally, young Benjamin would write an article to be printed and slip it under the printing room's door signed as "Anonymous". The following is a direct quote from Franklin's Autobiography. It describes his writing the articles as a boy.
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